Exploring the Tang Ye Jing

Exploring the Tang Ye Jing 湯液經

This is the navigation page for my ongoing series exploring the Decoction Classic, or Tang Ye Jing (湯液經), and its materia medica of twenty five herbs. This page will be periodically updated as I complete new articles. Eventually, you'll be able to find articles on all twenty five herbs here.

Click on the graphic to enlarge

Introductory Articles: If you're new to the series, I suggest beginning with these three articles. 

If you're looking for a specific single herb, such as zhi shi 枳实, you'll be able to navigate there from here as well. The series is ongoing so if you can't find an herb here, it means I haven't gotten to writing an article on it yet.

Wood Articles

Gui Zhi 桂枝 Wood of Wood
Chuan Jiao 川椒 Fire of Wood
Sheng Jiang 生姜 Earth of Wood
Xi Xin 细辛 Metal of Wood
Fu Zi 附子 Water of Wood

Fire Articles

Da Huang 大簧 Wood of Fire
Xuan Fu Hua 旋覆花 Fire of Fire
Ze Xie 泽泻 Earth of Fire
Hou Po 厚朴 Metal of Fire
Xiao Shi 硝石 Water of Fire

Earth Articles

Gan Cao 甘草 Wood of Earth
Da Zao 大棗 Fire of Earth
Ren Shen 人參 Earth of Earth
Mai Men Dong 麥門冬湯 Metal of Earth
Fu Ling 茯苓 Water of Earth

Metal Articles

Zhu Ye 竹葉 Metal of Water
Di Huang 地黄 Water of Water

Interview on Qiological Podcast

References & Further Reading

Foundations of Theory for Ancient Chinese Medicine by Liu Guohui

Introducing the Fu Xing Jue (Extraneous Secrets) and Tang Ye Jing (Decoction Classic) Translation Project” by Heiner Fruehauf and Michael Dell'Orfano

"Introduction on Fu Xing Jue: Passages from Tang Ye Jing” by Hui Zhang, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen translated by Paul Unschuld


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